“I wish I could go back in time, to my fumbling early girl-self, and attend such a thing as the Thinkpeace Workshop For Girls. What happens here is remarkable, significant and substantial to the way girls will make meaning out of their emerging lives and the ways in which they assert themselves both locally and in the entire global community. It is truly an imperative time for young women to root themselves sturdily in awareness and creativity for the exciting times ahead. Kelly and Liz have done us all a big favor by creating this program. Jump on board! If they decide to do Thinkpeace Workshop for Women, I’ll be the first to sign up!” — actress and mom Annabeth Gish (Pretty Little Liars, CSI, The West Wing, Mystic Pizza)
From Ann Keeler Evans, M. Div., minister, writer, speaker, visionary: I’m working on a project entitled Councils of Elders. I’m beginning to think it’s tagline is, “Gather Women, get stuff done!” And then I ran across thinkpeace workshop, which is gathering girls and teaching them to become the women (leaders) of the future. These young women are learning how to make a difference in themselves, in their communities and across the world now. They are learning how to put peace and peacemaking at the center of their lives, not as some saccharine ideal but rather as a dynamic journey to be made in the company of like-hearted, -minded and -souled sisters — wherever they might be. Thinkpeace workshop is a great organization full of hopes and dreams and practical actions. Spread the word, send your daughters and granddaughters. Global girl community — what an image, what a dream, what a lovely reality.
From Mamatoga: As a mom to one girl I’m in love with this idea. thinkpeace workshop for girls offers day and weekend workshops, summer camps and outreach programs for girls. They believe in teaching peacebuilding skills to girls who have a passion to be active participants in the global girl community.
(TPW note: Discover more about Saratoga Springs by visiting her site at www.mamatoga.com!)
From a dad of a 3 time thinkpeace camp girl: “My daughter gained a world of knowledge and awareness…a “must” experience for every teen…The camp opened her eyes, heart and mind, to a world far beyond that which she knew.”
From a 12 yr. old camper: “The workshop taught me to believe in the power of one: ME!
From a 14 yr. old camper: “I never thought I’d be able to make such a difference! thinkpeace workshop taught me how to go after the change I wish to see in the world and I am doing it!”
From Cindy Schmel, director of To Love a Child, Inc.: “You are doing some great work… there are so many women and girls who need help and support. Thanks for all you do!”
From a 13 yr. old camper: “I came to camp one summer with just an idea of a cause I wanted to get involved in. thinkpeace workshop helped me find a mentor and taught me that every action I take counts.”
From a 14 yr. old camper: “I can’t believe I ate that! Who knew I’d like Ethiopian food? And yoga? LOVE IT!”
From the mom of a 12 yr. old thinkpeace girl: “I wanted my daughter to learn the value of compassion. She came home from camp with an awareness of this thing you call the ‘global girl community’ and determination to be plugged into it that I never could have expected. Thank you!”
LOVE the work you are all doing. So happy to connect!
I am a poet, dreamer, teacher, mental health specialist, and most of all, human being. I am a woman, and I still have a girl inside of me. Peace is my buzzword, peace is my mantra, peace is the air that I breathe, the water that I drink, and hopefully the words that I say and the emotions that I feel. I was born the day before Martin Luther King, Jr., Jan 14th, and I identify with his life and message. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to get involved with this project. It is wonderful.
Thank you for this beautiful message, Robin! The world certainly needs more peacemakers. Happy almost birthday from thinkpeace. We’ll be in touch via email. Peace!