our mission

At thinkpeace workshops we teach girls peacemaking techniques and guide them towards extending these lessons to address global issues.  They explore similarities and differences in the customs and attitudes of children from other nations and envision a world at peace.  Girls explore history and current events through visual and performing arts, writing, cuisine, and movement, developing leadership skills and an understanding of the world in which they live.

thinkpeace girls are on an exciting adventure of living and learning.  To meet the challenges facing humanity we enable girls to see, think and act with love, compassion and intelligence.  The workshop is a time for feedback and growth as young girls emerge from the cocoon of childhood into the butterfly of young womanhood.

thinkpeace girls reach out to girls in other nations, creating long lasting relationships despite the distance, making significant differences in the lives of their international sisters. They learn that peace is more than the absence of war.  Peace is a dynamic, active, collaborative process by which THEY can take direct responsibility for the future of their world!

At thinkpeace workshop for girls we believe in the “Girl Effect”: that one girl CAN touch another girl’s life, across the universe.  We believe each life they touch will in turn touch others, and this touching of human being to human being may well be the beginning of peace for the whole world.



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